(253) 631-0100 office@zionkent.org

+ Holy Week services and events: Palm Sunday (followed by our 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt) - April 2 at 9:00am; Maundy Thursday - April 6 at 7:00pm; Good Friday - April 7 at 7:00pm; Easter Sunday - April 9 at 9:00am (with Easter breakfast beginning at 7:30am).

+ Worship online anytime on Zion's YouTube channel

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Sunday School opportunities for all ages!

Sunday School begins in our Education building each Sunday morning at 10:15 following our worship service, and runs until 11:15.  We offer Preschool, Elementary, Middle School (Confirmation), High School, and adult education classes from September through May.  Please email education@zionkent.org for more information.

Please click here for the form to register your Pre-School through High School student for the current school year


Preschoolers explore faith concepts through age-appropriate play spaces, prayers, music, and storytelling.



Kindergarten through 5th grade students work together as they navigate through stories of the Old and New Testaments.   They start each Sunday with music (both singing and chimes), followed by Bible time and activities related to the story they are learning each week.


Middle School (Confirmation)

6th through 8th grade students discover the richness of Lutheran beliefs, history, and traditions by studying Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, as well as the Old and New Testaments. As students grow in understanding of their faith and what it means to be a Lutheran Christian, they may decide they would like to “confirm” the faith in which they were baptized and accept it as their own. 


High School

High School students have a unique opportunity to help with preschool students and planning upcoming events like Vacation Bible School (VBS).


Each Sunday, various topics are explored that feature a leading voice from the Christian faith.  Time is spent on personal reflection and journaling, and sharing ideas with the group.  There will be guest speakers and presentations sprinkled throughout the Sunday School year.