(253) 631-0100 office@zionkent.org

+ Holy Week services and events: Palm Sunday (followed by our 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt) - April 2 at 9:00am; Maundy Thursday - April 6 at 7:00pm; Good Friday - April 7 at 7:00pm; Easter Sunday - April 9 at 9:00am (with Easter breakfast beginning at 7:30am).

+ Worship online anytime on Zion's YouTube channel

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Zion Lutheran Church Bible Study

Zion Lutheran Adult Ministry groups are about learning, serving, and fellowship.

At Zion Lutheran Church, you will be encouraged and nurtured in our small group activities for adults, as well as in Sunday worship.  We invite you to try out some of our many opportunities available; newcomers are always welcome!.  Please call the church office or check the church calendar to find out specific times for these activities. 

Learning groups

Bible Studies:  September through May, Zion has two week-day Bible studies. One meets two Wednesday mornings each month and the other meets two Thursday mornings each month.  

Thursday Theologians: Every third Thursday of the month, this group meets at various locations to grab a beverage of their choice and talk about Lutheran theology. The topics range from the meaning of Baptism to a deep dive of the Ten Commandments.  

Serving groups

KentHOPE: Zion regularly supports KentHOPE, an emergency shelter for women and children administered by Seattle Union Gospel Mission.  Each month, 4-5 meals for 30 are prepared and delivered to KentHOPE, to provide warm healthy meals to women and children in need.

Mission quilting: From January through May, this group gathers to sew and assemble quilts that are then donated to Lutheran World Relief.

Ruth Rachel circle: This women’s group meets regularly for Bible study, service, and fellowship.  Each year they assemble over 100 health kits to donate to Lutheran World Relief and regularly keep in touch with our shut-in members.

Corner of Love: Serving Nicaraguan refugees that have escaped the brutal dictatorship in that country and are temporarily residing in Costa Rica, Zion sends a team to work with Corner of Love for a week each winter, and collects supplies throughout the year.

Fellowship groups

Julefest:  Crafters begin working in June to prepare for the Zion Lutheran Church Women’s annual holiday bazaar called Julefest.  Additional hands are always welcome!

Stitching and Hardanger: Bring a project you are working on and join other stitchers for lively fellowship (and maybe even pick up a new tip or two!)